An audit is a thorough and systematic analysis of financial
statements that is intended to provide a high level on confidence in the
accuracy of said financial statements. When a CPA performs an
audit, they will issue a formal report in which they express their
professional opinion on whether or not the financial statements are
presented fairly and in compliance with the applicable reporting
framework. Audits are typically required when seeking financing,
investors, when the governmental rule and regulation needs compliance, or
when selling a business. An audit is the highest level of assurance a CPA
can provide those financial statements are free from material
misstatement, but they do not provide absolute assurance.
The CPA performing an audit must demonstrate that their
independence has not been impaired.
During the course of an audit the
CPA will obtain an understanding of your company's internal controls and assess
the risk of fraud. To do this the CPA will corroborate information presented in
your company's financial statements by obtaining evidence in a variety of ways
including inquiry, physical inspection, observation, examination, various
analytical procedures, samples test, third-party confirmations...
At the conclusion of the audit
the CPA will provide a formal report that expresses their opinion on
whether the financial statements are presented fairly and in all material
aspects, in accordance with the applicable reporting framework.